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Eliminate stress, anxiety and worries. Mental trainer Fumiko Kato's "habit of meditation to prepare life"

Fumiko Kato

Release Date: November 14, 2018

Part number: CHDD-1002

Reset your feelings with "meditation" that prepares your mind when various anxieties come

~ Meditation Scenario & Narration ~
Fumiko Kato

Mental trainer
American NLP Association

Certified trainer / corporate training instructor

M01. Using 1 minute in the morning
M02. Lunch break
M03. When you are frustrated
M04. When depressed or dented
M05. Before sleeping
M06. When I'm falling into self-negative saying "I'm ..."
M07. When your heart gets tired
M08. When I feel self-loathing for myself
M09. When it's hard to get up
M10. When I can't get up
M11. When you don't want to go to the office
M12. When an unreasonable request is made
M13. When I'm lonely or feeling lonely
M14. When the eyes are scary, when the evaluation is scary
M15. When I'm afraid to meet people
M16. When depressed
M17. When emotionally unstable and frustrated
M18. When anger does not subside
M19. When you feel vague anxiety about the future
M20. When I think, "Why do I just meet this?"
M21. When you are in distress due to unexpected troubles

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